10 Tricky Ways Deals With Web Surfing Issues


Surfing on the internet is an amazing way to get to know and explore more about any topic. If you are using the internet for professional purposes, it helps in boosting productivity. But the most annoying fact is when users watch unwanted and irrelevant ads, videos, flash, Forms, Logins on the web pages. These are distracting and sometimes divert users’ minds from the real motto of surfing. Therefore, blocking them is the best way to deal with web pages distractions.

10 Tricky Ways Deals With Web Surfing Issues

How to catch and block irrelevant content is an important fact? Here we have easy ways to find internet distractions and how to deal with them.

1. Several Ads

Ads are important for business promotion, but too many ads create the biggest annoyance. A click on any ad takes the person to other directions of working. For example, an attractive and appealing clothing ad can motivate anyone to click at least once. In the same way, it distracts the person from actually what they are looking for. Therefore, blocking such ads from web browsers such as Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer is a perfect way to deal with this issue.

2. Excessive Flash

Flash on web pages is a catchy way to attract visitors. A flash might not be bad if it could be used in a moderation. But if things take a serious shape and overtake your CPU, you need to take immediate action to overcome it. Likewise, if you are using Firefox, Chrome, Opera, or Safari choose Flashbook as a perfect solution. It is a one-click solution to an overactive Flash plug-in. There is also ClickToFlash for Safari on Mac OS X meant to deal with web surfing troubleshoots.

3. Inappropriate Forms and Logins

Saving id and password while working on the internet assists in saving time. But it could be really annoying when you need to change or add a password every time you are switching between computer and mobile usage. The system asks you to fill a particular form whenever you log in. The best way is to use the same password for your phones, portable media players, and tablets.

4. Registering For A New Account

Registering can be helpful to certain accounts that are used on a regular basis. But it looks really troubling when you need to register with an email id to get minor information. Most of the time users use a personal id that contains all their personal information also. Which is a serious threat to call malware on your system. Moreover, once you register yourself, the system starts sending you promotional and unwanted emails. Hence, using an extension BugMeNot on chrome or Firefox is a significant way to get rid of such a bookmarklet.

5. Confusing Websites

While using the internet, there are high chances that you may visit any website whose content could be irrelevant or confusing. But these sites set cookies on your system when you just click on their ads and start presenting in pop-up messages. The best way to deal with such troubles is to block pages in Chrome (if you are using chrome). If you are using other web browsers, there are other extensions to add-ons that can help you as well. Even blocking such websites is a great option if your kids are also using your system.

6. Unlimited Social media Networks

These days, everyone is using social media to express themselves and explore anything. Therefore, there is no death of these social media apps, and have engaging content for every generation. But, these sites also have the downside that endless options create confusion for users. Therefore, creating a relevant distance from irrelevant social media networks boosts your work productivity and keeps your children away from troubleshoots. You can use FellowUp, Nutshell Mail, or other tools to manage your account.

7. Unhelpful Search Results

There are lots of sites on the internet that contain insufficient information and unhealthy data. Still, search engines present them on the top results. So, if you are too struggling with the same search engine issue, means it’s time to give break your current search engine. Moving to alternative helps to present useful search results as expand your reach. You can also do the same with web browsers.

8. Online Fake Reviews

While shopping online, every reader prefers to read websites and products reviews to get a genuine suggestion. But, sometimes these could be fake. These might be paid or posted to beat the competition. Therefore, do not rely on positive reviews only. Read the reviews that contain all pros and cons of using the product, then decide. Check out the user name also, if it seems fake or inappropriate, be careful. Similarly, there could be chances that your web browser may also contain fake reviews, just to motivate users to use it.

9. Long Downloading or Content Sharing Durations

A long downloading or content sharing duration could be really annoying. If you brought a premium version of any software, you can save lots of time standing in a queue to wait. But if not, slower speeds and a countdown timer could be the biggest culprit for losing temper while loading files. But there is a way to fix this issue too. There are many extensions that can solve your purposes such as SkipScreen for Firefox and chrome or RapidShare Download Helper for the fastest results.

10 . Trolls

Today, the internet has become the best platform to share views and creates a room for discussion. These could be called trolls. When the trolls are in positive form, these help in motivating the people. On the other hand, when these took a serious shape, and people started trolling in a negative way could be a demotivating factor. But you need not worry and give a response to every troller in a positive way. This is the best way to change your and others mindset.

Bottom Line

The Internet is a perfect way to get access to look for what you want at any time and anywhere. While using the internet, you can enjoy uninterrupted services from your favorite browser. All you need to have a little knowledge about how to deal with the specific issue