What is USB OTG ? and How To use USB OTG


Many peoples don’t know what USB OTG is and how to use it, today I am going to explain you detailed of USB OTG. This is neither only software nor only hardware this function is a combination of software and hardware. You can connect many devices to your phone with the help of  OTG.

This standard isn’t new it was launched in 2001 at that time OTG used in cameras, but nowadays mostly it used by cellphone users. OTG stands for USB On The Go it means anywhere, anytime, anyhow.

OTG made for communicating two OTG supported devices to each other. You can connect the mouse, keyboard, pen drives and even a hard drive. Also, you can charge another device by OTG cable. It supports many devices.

Your phone should have required hardware and software to use OTG feature. As we know every hardware equipment need the power to switch it on That’s why your phone’s hardware must send energy to the connected device, If your phone’s hardware does not send power to the connected device it will not work. You can also check whats new about android P.

How To use OTG

For using USB OTG, you need OTG cable.  The OTG cable has two port 1st port is used for mobile phones, and 2nd port is used for laptops and computers. Nowadays we can buy OTG cable at the lowest price from the market. Some pen drives available which can be used without OTG cable they have two ends and the second end can be directly connected to mobile phones.

OTG supported pen drive

Many peoples things that USB type c supports OTG or not? The answer to this question is yes USB type c supports OTG, but it requires USB type c supported OTG cable. You should start by OTG cable according to USB type c. Another advantage of USB OTG is it supports game controller too. Mostly OTG use in the android phone. Now almost every android phone has OTG functionality.

OTG Can be Enabled In Rooted Phone

Some Android phone who is having hardware of OTG but doesn’t have software to use OTG on those android phones we can use OTG by using some applications like OTG troubleshooter, But the condition is that phone must be rooted. I already talked about how to root an android device. If you want to check your cellphone supports OTG or not you can go to this link and download the application called “USB OTG Checker” this application check and let you know your phone support OTG or not.

I hope you liked this article and understood what OTG is and how it uses. If you want this post, then don’t forget to share on facebook. Like our facebook page and help us.