Cyberpunk 2077 Hotfix Lets You Install Mods Without Compromising Safety


Cyberpunk 2077 has been the most awaited game since its launch on December 14 of the year 2020. Despite all the problems it has faced so far, Cyberpunk 2077 has left no pages unturned for the people desperately waiting for its launch. The game was finally launched on January 13, 2021, but it has been in the news for all the bugs that have recently shown up in the game since its launch.

Cyberpunk 2077 Hotfix

The game has received several bugs and glitches fixing updates and is still receiving it to date. Issues like the “save file size bug” were just the start of the glitches. With the growing popularity of the game, many bugs were reported worldwide, along with laughable glitches.

Some of the most common bugs and glitches were the visuals that were imparted for the characters. Disrupted visuals on the characters made Cyberpunk a laughing stock for many gamers in the beginning, with images being shared and trolled on Twitter.

Despite all the faults, the gameplay was still appreciated worldwide. Cyberpunk fans were desperately waiting for the company to fix the bugs so the game play can be enjoyed at its max.

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As time has passed so far, the game has received many security patches and visuals-related updates such as the Hotfix 1.04, 1.05, 1.06, and so on. These updates focused majorly on enhancing the experience of the gameplay. But with patches 1.1 and 1.2, the number of significant updates for visuals is going to increase. So far, only patch 1.1 has been released.

So now the question arises if there have already been updates! What’s new about this Hotfix 1.12 update?

The company officially launched the new update 1.12 on 5th February 2021. This update is primarily going to focus on the overrun issue and remove non-ADLR DLLs, which means that the game is now entirely safe to be played involving custom mods on your PCs. This update is focused on a mod fix and not the update. The fundamental objective behind launching this Hotfix was so that players can install mods or custom files without letting intruders or hackers execute the codes on user’s PCs. This update enables you to safely install mods and custom files without bothering about someone hacking your system or your game. The custom community mods being safe to install the gameplay are expected to fasten up way more than the progress they made when the game was initially launched.

Many such updates are to be followed this year for Xbox and PS as the older ones are having a difficult time enjoying this gameplay swiftly. Patch 1.2 that is to be launched soon is expected to be a more extensive and significant update that Cyberpunk will receive so far. The update will be provided with a free DLC and patch to help the user optimize Cyberpunk for Xbox and PS enhancing the user experience in all kinds of gaming consoles.