Fix Pname Com Facebook Orca Error on Android | Total Solutions |


If you are one of those victims who has encountered this Pname Com Facebook Orca Error then looking for solutions would be natural. I have been there myself, and have finally figured out how to fix Pname Com Facebook Orca Error. 

So, to get the obviousness out of the way, Pname Com Facebook Orca Error is not a malware of any sort or a virus-infected folder. All, you have to do is, clean up your app data from the folder to avoid this error code.

Over 40% smartphone Facebook user face this error code. One of the basic reasons is that some third party software is hindering the process. So, you are shown a pop-up message to force stop your application. Which you should by the way. Ignoring this message is not benefiting your device anyway. 

The Pname Com Facebook Orca Error is basically, the name of an Android package. It contains Facebook pictures, audios and videos and all other cache files. This is where all of it is stored in your Android device. 

It is easy to locate this folder from your file manager. 

You can find this orca folder in FileManager>Android> data> com.facebook.orca folder. Inside you will find two more folders called “cache” and “files”.

That is how simple it gets in locating this disrupting error message and where it originated. 

Steps to fix the Pname Com Facebook Orca Error

Just follow the easy steps that I took to solve this annoying Facebook error message on your Andriod device;

  • Go to your smartphone settings
  • Locate system apps then go to installed apps
  • Locate the Facebook app
  • Click on the Clear Data tab 
  • Clear data and reboot device

That’s all! 

A lot of people are confusing the error message to be some sort of malware, which is reality is untrue. It is just an error signal that tells you that you have clear your app data because it is over full. 

Once you just follow the above steps it is extremely easy to just avoid this message every time it comes up. 

I hope my above steps have helped you, and if you know of any other alternative methods feel free to share them with me in the comments section below.