Security Solutions & Strategies For Trade Shows- How Technology Can Help


Trade shows and events are an integral element of marketing and branding for businesses today. Brands participate in these events to showcase their products and promote themselves to the public so that they can extend their reach and enlarge their market as well. While these programs make a great opportunity for brand promotion, there are some security risks involved as well. Trade show events are often overcrowded, with hundreds of visitors strolling around the aisles and checking out the exhibitor booths. Maintaining the security of the booth stands is a major challenge for exhibitors, who also have to handle their visitors and prospects at the same time.

Still, security is something you cannot overlook when you have valuable products and sensitive information on exhibit in an open venue. Being able to manage it has another significant advantage; when you are sure that your booth is secure, you can focus completely on impressing your customers and prospects. For organizers too, security solutions and strategies can make all the difference because this can decide the reputation of your event in the long run. Here are some smart technology-based solutions that can take trade show security a notch higher.

Secure your valuables with smart lockers

Exhibitors often bring surplus products to events, apart from the ones on display because they need to have them in stock for the extra demand. When it is all valuable materials, such as electronics, gadgets, and precious jewelry, it becomes important to store them at a protected place. Stacking them cautiously under a table and supervising them would work in the ideal conditions but considering the risk out there, it does not make sense. You cannot just leave the valuables in the open during the rush hours and expect them to be safe. And this is a risk that you cannot afford to take because it can translate into massive losses to your business, depending on the value of the items on display.

Since portable things are at high risk of being robbed, a smart locker is a reliable way to protect them throughout the event. These are protected by technologies such as passwords, facial recognition, and fingerprint recognition. Encourage your staff to keep high-value things in these smart safes and restrict password access to only the authorized people. Also, avoid storing the high-value products at your booth stand, particularly when the event runs for several days. Consult the trade show company to implement effective measures for facilitating the safe transportation of valuable products on a daily basis.

Safeguard your digital information as well

The security concerns of trade show exhibitors go beyond protecting the valuable and tangible items. You need to be equally careful about the safekeeping of the computerized data of your business and customers, which may also be on exhibit. And you may have plenty of digital assets in use, right from product presentations to pricing sheets and more. Since your competitors are likely to be around at such events, they may look for an opportunity to access this sensitive information and misuse it. Hence, attention to cybersecurity becomes as vital as that to the physical security of your producers. Keep your data safe by utilizing password-protected PCs and tablets.

Integrating the necessary software applications to guard the information on these digital documents is equally necessary. If employees are allowed to access data from their personal devices, make sure that you have a clear BYOD policy in place. Never store any confidential business data related to PCs and tablets that you carry and use at trade show events because they can fall into the wrong hands. Even if you need to carry confidential data with you, use a pen drive to store it. Go the extra mile to ensure the safety of the storage device because it shouldn’t also be accessible to an unauthorized person, whether it is a customer or a competitor.

Invest in video surveillance

Apart from smart safes for valuable products and cybersecurity solutions for digital information, a mobile video surveillance camera system is an effective measure to fortify your booth. You can check to see how these systems operate. Typically, a mobile video surveillance system offers a wide range of features that ensure reliable monitoring of your booth, along with complete visibility and control.

The multiple camera views offer full visibility of your space and around, while there are audible alarms and flashing lights for deterring the intruders. Further, you get the benefit of real-time, after-hours remote monitoring by security professionals so that you can be stress-free about your booth’s security. And you can check the place anytime and from anywhere because the system can be integrated with a mobile app. Time-lapse recording and video storage are some other features that take protection to the next level.

Rely on additional security measures as well

Apart from the high-tech security solutions for protecting your trade show booth from theft and pilferage, you should also stick to the basic security measures. Essentially, these are the ones that have always been used, even before the advent of smart technologies. Here are additional measures that you should absolutely have in place:

  • Don’t just assume that the security services offered by event organizers will be enough for covering your needs. While they do ensure that the attendees have proper credentials, they are not responsible for the safety of individual booths. Rather, you need to safeguard your own booth, products, digital displays, A/V equipment, and everything else on display.
  • Train your staff to manage the booth properly and handle the security issues as well. Anyone who is in charge of the booth also has to manage its security. Ensure that the members of your team understand that their role includes vigilance to ensure the booth and the products and equipment stay secure at all times.
  • Mounting digital equipment on display properly and securing them with locks is equally important. Anyone can just slip a tablet in their bag in just a few seconds and walk away if your stuff is easy to reach and take off from the display. You can use cables and mounts that come with locking features to minimize the risk.
  • Though you would want to flaunt your products, it is always wise to avoid making them too prominent if you want to prevent theft. Consider mislabelling the boxes so that anyone trying to steal stuff is not able to lay their hands on high-value items.
  • Keeping your booth clutter-free also helps in cutting down the risk of theft. At the same time, it can also make the area appealing to the customers. Lack of organization makes your booth a soft target for culprits because they may be able to sneak away things without even a hint. On the other hand, you can keep an eye on things easily if the place is in order.
  • Never leave your booth unattended during the day, even when there aren’t a lot of attendees around. Rather, make sure that you have at least two people on duty all the time. Schedule breaks and lunch hours accordingly to ensure that the place has ample vigilance throughout the day.
  • Maintain a list of products, displays, and even digital information that you have on exhibit during the show. Check every item off at the end of every single day to ensure that all of them are safe and accounted for.

Don’t forget the transport security

Though a lot has been said about ensuring the safety of your exhibits and booths at a trade show, one thing that is easy to miss is transport security. But this is as important as any other aspect of event security and surveillance. Trade shows often distribute a security manual that features definitive measures which exhibitors can follow at airports, taxis, and hotels for minimizing the risk of theft. Going through this manual can help. Keeping your stuff under vigil, anchoring it securely, and attaching simple identifiers and customary identity cards are some effective measures to ensure security in transit. Also, pay attention to the safety measures at the accommodation with a thorough check of the door locks and windows. Be alert while transporting the items to the trade show site and back to the accommodation. Watch out for any suspicious people and activities and take quick action to report them to the security personnel. Steer clear of stress because it can increase the possibility of theft.

When exhibiting at a trade show, you would want the initiative to give your brand a marketing advantage. It can give you the right kind of exposure while establishing a trust for the existing customers and bringing on the new ones. However, theft is one issue that you will have to deal with from start to end. Still, the right security solutions and measures can go a long way in making it a safe and stress-free experience for your business. With the assurance that you are covered, you will be able to concentrate on customers and promotions rather than worry about keeping an eye on your products and equipment.